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2 cups butternut squash (or any squash/sweet potato), cubed
2 cups salmon (or any fish/shrimp/chicken/tofu), cubed
2 tablespoons garlic/ginger combined, minced
1 tablespoon oil
1 can coconut milk (or any other milk)
1 tablespoon or more curry (any Thai) paste
1 tablespoon fish sauce
2 tablespoons chopped herbs like cilantro, basil, or scallion
Cracked pepper to taste
Sauté garlic, ginger with oil in a heated pan until fragrant
Add squash, stir for a few minutes, salt and pepper
Add fish
Add half coconut milk
Mix curry paste in coconut milk, add to pan
Add herbs, fish sauce
Cover to simmer until squash is soft - enjoy with warm rice or noodles.